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An In-depth Guide to Masking in DaVinci Resolve, Everything You Need to Know to Become a Masking Pro

Updated: Jun 18, 2023

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In the world of video editing, having a rich repertoire of techniques at your disposal can transform your work from good to great. One such technique, the art of masking, provides endless creative possibilities and precise control over your footage in DaVinci Resolve. Whether you're an aspiring filmmaker, a seasoned video editor, or a creative soul dipping your toes into the world of video editing, understanding masking can give you an edge in your craft.

What is Masking?

Masking is a powerful technique used in video editing and post-production. Essentially, it involves the creation of a 'mask' - a layer that allows or restricts visibility of portions of your video. Imagine using a stencil to paint: the stencil blocks certain areas, controlling where paint is applied. Similarly, in video editing, masks control where effects, adjustments, or corrections are applied.

Why is Masking Important?

Masking is not just an editing technique—it's a storytelling tool. It allows you to focus the viewer's attention, conceal elements, and even manipulate time and space. Whether you want to create a split-screen effect, highlight a specific subject, blur out confidential information, or craft unique transitions, mastering the art of masking in DaVinci Resolve can unlock a new dimension of storytelling in your video content.

How to Use Masking in DaVinci Resolve

Step 1: Launch DaVinci Resolve and Import Your Footage

Launch DaVinci Resolve on your computer. Import the footage you wish to edit by dragging it into your media pool. Then, place the clip into the timeline to start the masking process.

Step 2: Open the Colour Page

In DaVinci Resolve, most of the masking magic happens in the Colour Page. Navigate to this page once you've placed your clip on the timeline.

Step 3: Choose Your Mask

DaVinci Resolve offers various mask shapes, including circles, rectangles, and polygons, or a freehand pen tool for custom shapes. These can be selected from the toolbar above the node editor. Choose the mask shape that fits your needs.

Step 4: Apply the Mask

With your mask shape selected, it's time to apply it to your footage. Click and drag on your footage in the viewer to create and shape your mask. More complex shapes might require the polygon or curve tool, enabling you to add, subtract, or move points to achieve your desired outline.

Step 5: Refine and Feather the Mask

In video editing, subtlety often is key. After creating your mask, you may want to soften its edges for a more natural look. This process, known as 'feathering,' is easy in DaVinci Resolve. Simply adjust the 'softness' slider in the Mask tool to blend your masked area seamlessly into the rest of your footage.

Step 6: Track the Mask

Here's where DaVinci Resolve truly shines. Once your mask is created, shaped, and refined, you can use the software's built-in tracker to follow your masked area throughout your clip. This tracking system automatically analyses frame-by-frame changes, saving you from the tedious task of manual tracking. The system also allows for adjustments in case the automatic tracking isn't perfect.

Advanced Masking Techniques

Once you're comfortable with the basics, you can explore advanced masking techniques like using multiple masks, inverting masks for different effects, or even integrating masks with DaVinci Resolve's Fusion page for powerful compositing work.

Tips for Effective Masking

To help you achieve more precise and professional results when using masking in DaVinci Resolve, consider the following tips:

  • Refining mask edges for seamless integration

  • Utilising keyframes for dynamic mask animations

  • Using blending modes to enhance the overall visual impact

  • Experimenting with different feathering settings to achieve the desired effect

  • Taking advantage of colour correction tools to match the masked areas with the rest of the footage

  • Utilising tracking and stabilisation features for accurate and consistent mask movement

  • Trying out different masking techniques, such as gradient masks or combination masks, to add complexity and depth to your edits

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When working with masking in DaVinci Resolve, it's important to be aware of common mistakes that can hinder your progress. Here are a few pitfalls to avoid:

  • Inaccurate mask tracking: Double-check and refine the tracking points to ensure the mask follows the intended subject accurately.

  • Overusing masks: Be mindful of using too many masks, as it can clutter your timeline and make the editing process more complex.

  • Neglecting to feather the mask edges: Feathering helps create smooth transitions and prevents hard lines between the masked and unmasked areas.

  • Ignoring colour matching: Make sure the colour and tonal values of the masked areas blend seamlessly with the surrounding footage.

  • Forgetting to adjust mask properties over time: Consider adjusting mask properties, such as size, position, or rotation, when the subject moves or the camera angle changes.

Creative Inspirations and Examples

To spark your creativity and showcase the potential of masking in DaVinci Resolve, here are some inspiring examples:

  • Creating cinematic transitions using intricate mask animations

  • Isolating and enhancing specific objects or elements within a scene

  • Blurring out faces or personal information for privacy protection

  • Implementing creative split-screen effects for storytelling purposes

  • Manipulating the background or foreground to alter the perceived depth in a shot

Integrating Masks with Other Tools in DaVinci Resolve

DaVinci Resolve offers a wide range of tools that can be combined with masks to elevate your editing capabilities. Consider exploring the integration of masks with these features:

  • Colour grading: Use masks to target specific areas for precise colour adjustments or to create localised grading effects.

  • Fusion compositing: Combine masks with Fusion's powerful compositing capabilities to create complex visual effects and seamless scene integrations.

  • Audio editing: Employ masks to apply audio effects or corrections selectively, focusing on specific regions within your footage.

  • Motion tracking: Use motion tracking alongside masks to ensure consistent and accurate positioning of your masked areas.

6 Key Tips When Struggling With Masking

  1. Understanding Mask Functions: Each mask in DaVinci Resolve has a specific function. Spend time learning what each one does—it'll make your masking process more efficient and effective.

  2. Patience with Masking: Masking can be a meticulous process, particularly with complex shapes or moving subjects. Patience is key.

  3. Utilising Feathering: Feathering is an important step in making your masks blend naturally with the rest of your footage. Don't forget to adjust the 'softness' slider to achieve this.

  4. Effective Tracking: The automatic tracking feature in DaVinci Resolve is incredibly useful, but it's not always perfect. Don't be afraid to manually adjust the tracking if needed.

  5. Experimentation: Don't shy away from experimenting with different mask shapes, sizes, and positions. It's all part of the learning process.

  6. Advanced Techniques: Once you've mastered the basics, explore more advanced masking techniques, like using multiple masks, inverting masks, and integrating masks with other features in DaVinci Resolve.


As with any skill, mastering masking in DaVinci Resolve requires practice and patience. However, the payoff in terms of the precision, creativity, and professional polish it can add to your work is immense. From subtle corrections to imaginative effects, masking is a technique that truly pushes the boundaries of what's possible in video editing.

Remember, becoming a proficient user of DaVinci Resolve and its many tools doesn't happen overnight. But don't let this deter you. With persistence and the right guidance, you can elevate your video editing skills and bring your unique creative visions to life. To further sharpen your skills, consider our one-hour training sessions designed to help you make the most of DaVinci Resolve.

So dive in, start experimenting, and let your creativity flow. The world of professional video editing awaits! Happy editing!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Does DaVinci Resolve have masking? A: Yes, DaVinci Resolve has robust masking capabilities that allow you to control and manipulate what is visible in your video frames.

Q: How do I mask a layer in DaVinci? A: To mask a layer in DaVinci Resolve, you can use the various mask shapes available and apply them to the desired layer using the masking tools in the Colour Page.

Q: How do you mask a colour in DaVinci Resolve? A: In DaVinci Resolve, you can mask a specific colour by using the secondary colour grading controls. Select the colour you want to mask and apply a mask to isolate and manipulate that colour range.

Q: How do I mask an image in DaVinci? A: Masking an image in DaVinci Resolve involves applying a mask to the layer containing the image. You can use different mask shapes and tools to create the desired mask outline.

Q: Where is the mask tool in DaVinci Resolve? A: The mask tool in DaVinci Resolve can be found in the Colour Page. It is located in the toolbar above the node editor, and you can choose different mask shapes from there.

Q: How do I create a masking layer? A: In DaVinci Resolve, you can create a masking layer by selecting a mask shape, applying it to the desired layer, and adjusting its size, position, and feathering to achieve the desired effect.

Q: How do you mask a shape in DaVinci Resolve? A: To mask a shape in DaVinci Resolve, choose the appropriate mask shape tool, such as the polygon or curve tool, and create the desired shape by adding, subtracting, or moving points on the mask outline.

Q: How do you use layer masking? A: Layer masking in DaVinci Resolve involves applying masks to specific layers or elements within your video project. This technique allows you to selectively control the visibility or apply effects to specific parts of your footage.


Take Your Video Editing Skills to the Next Level

Congratulations on making it this far! You've taken a deep dive into mastering DaVinci Resolve. But remember, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Video editing is a vast and exciting field with endless possibilities for creativity.

If you found this tutorial helpful and you're eager to continue your learning journey, we're here to guide you every step of the way. We offer in-depth, personalised training sessions tailored to your unique interests and goals. We can help you explore the full potential of DaVinci Resolve and empower you to bring your creative visions to life.

Why not reach out to us for a demo session? Or, if you're not quite ready for that, Subscribe to our mailing list to receive a regular dose of video editing tips, blogs, and inspiration. We look forward to welcoming you into our community of passionate video creators!

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